IN SAPONE SANITAS means for us: We do not only want to produce our natural care with reason, a sense of proportion and an eye for the environment. It is also important to us to pay attention to sustainability in packaging and distribution.
Why is our Soeder confectionist such a big fan of our brown glass bottles? It has to do with this very approach. Almost all of our bottles can be refilled - as often as you like and at over 130 Refill Stations. Each refilled bottle is one that doesn't have to be manufactured again - a great way to reduce your environmental footprint. You will find a Refill Station in every Soeder store, but also at many partners throughout Switzerland.
But even if you don't have a Refill Station nearby, we have a solution for you. Our Shippable Refill bottle holds one liter and makes it possible to refill your natural soap in your own home. When it comes to materials, we've opted for a plastic version made of 60 percent polyethylene granules. This is obtained from plastic waste collected in the world's oceans and harbors. As a new raw material, this waste is thus given a second life. Of course, we want the empty refill bottles to be recycled as well: You can return them to all Soeder stores or anywhere recycling materials are accepted.
By the way, our confectionist's is a big fan of "Grass Roots". And he has a pretty good idea: "If your friend:s already have bottles, just give them a refill!"We'll gladly sign that. Only, which scent you want to give, you have to decide yourself!