At Soeder, 2021 was a year of change. The biggest one: We have decided to discontinue our clothing line. We firmly believe that the right thing to do is invest all energy into what one is best at and what can make the most difference. For us, that's natural care. Unlike textiles, we can make it entirely in our own factory, with a close eye on every step of production and all raw materials used.
To stress our focus on natural care, we really got going in 2021. We did some construction work in the factory to expand our capacities and pretty much lifted off with an array of new products:
Hinoki Yuzu and Wermut Negroni , the two collab soap scents with Ooki Izakaya and Club Zukunft, became standard scents with our soap family.
We also did soap collaborations with Maison Manesse and Schoenstaub. With Schoenstaub, we also made some great waffle pique towels.
With the Zurich based Coffee company Stoll we made a Bar Soap. Those will soon play a more significant role for us.Bar Soap We are much looking forward to this, as it takes us back to the classic, centuries-old idea of soap. Soon you'll have nearly the same variety of bar soaps as you do with liquid soaps. What we love most about them is their nourishing effect: not all of the oil used is needed in the saponification process, so there's plenty left over to do your skin some serious good.
Together with the wellness specialists Küng, we developed our first Sauna Oil in four different types. In addition, we made two Body Oils and two Massage Oils. We’ve also opened two new stores in Bern and at Zurich central station. The latter is open also on Sundays! Another thing we're pleased about: Our network of refill stations has grown by leaps and bounds in recent months. You can now have Soeder natural care refilled at more than 100 partners! By the way: We've done quite a bit to spread the message. With our "Give Raw Joy" campaign, we highlighted the ingredients of our natural care. We ran ads, for example, in the NZZ, played the screens around Zurich's central train station, and booked advertising space in the streetcars. And last but not least, we stepped up our social media activities. Feel free to follow us on Linked In, Instagram, and the likes. None of this would have worked without a team that has seen new growth over the past twelve months – and new opportunities for participation: At the Soeder Pitch Days, everyone from the group was invited to propose their ideas. Some of these are already being implemented, and we're very much looking forward to the next Pitch Days. Generally, it felt great to consciously seek collaboration and contact with each other, especially after the last two years with their long home office periods. We very much hope that this will be possible even more often in 2022.