Some of you may remember that our friends from Club Zukunft in Zurich were not only among our very first public-use customers. We also collaborated with the club, which quite rightly calls itself the "Home Of Good Music" and is just a few steps away from our store on Ankerstrasse, on a soap. It was called Gin, smelled of gin and tonic, and customers still ask us from time to time whether it would be worth repeating.

The answer is: yes! But also: no. We have teamed up with "Zukunft" again for a limited edition. But as the bar staff there have more than just one drink, it would be a bit boring for us to mix the same soap fragrance twice in a row. That's why we opted for another classic from the bar menu: The Scent of our new "Soap Of Good Music" is called Negroni, so it's based on the sweet and bitter aperitif, which incidentally celebrated its 100th birthday last year or the year before last, depending on the source.

Negroni is an aperitif consisting of gin, vermouth and Campari. A drink that opens the evening. It is intended to lift the mood and ensure good conversation before dinner is served and whets the appetite with its bitter notes. We have translated exactly this feeling into a soap, but we want to emphasize one thing: you can use it not only as an aperitif, but at any time of day or night.

We have packed essential oils of wormwood, orange, bergamot and vetiver into the soap. It smells fresh, but also sensual and like everything that promises a good night at the club. It is now available in partner stores, our stores and of course via our online store. We can't wait to see what you think of it. And who knows, maybe we'll meet in the future.