Please fill up once!

At Soeder,
wedidn't just opt for the dark brown glass bottles because they look chic and glass is a highly recyclable material: they are also robust and can be refilled as often as desired. Such aspects of sustainability are essential for us. A refill concept, so that the glass doesn't have to be recycled in the first place but can last as long as possible, was the logical next step.

How does it work? It's actually quite simple: you take your empty bottles to the refill station of your choice. They get the products from us in large canisters and fill them up for you on site. Then you take the bottle back home with you. No more complicated than buying a whole new bottle, right? You can even use the pumps several times: We only recommend replacing products that are not antibacterial, such as lotion or shampoo. By the way, many of the public places where you find Soeder products, such as gyms, spas or restaurants, also rely on our refill principle.

The number of Soeder refill stations is constantly growing. Whereas in 2019 there were only 26 places where you could have soap and co. refilled, in 2021 there were already over 120. In the last few months, more than 20 have been added. And: What was initially a very Swiss affair has long since become international. In the meantime, a whole series of shops in Germany have joined the system, and you can also have your bottles refilled in some shops in Sweden. 

You want to know where the nearest Soeder refill station is? Please take a look at our map!

The following products are currently available in refill: 

Please rinse the glass bottle and pump with hot water (at least 80°) thoroughly beforehand and make sure that there is no more residue in the bottle, especially in the case of shampoo, conditioner and lotion, which are not antibacterial.

Hand Sanitizer is currently not allowed to be offered in refills, as it is considered a hazardous material. However, we are working on a solution.